Many first-party Nintendo 64 games receive extensive attention from the emulation community. Dedicated groups of hackers often spend hours combing through a game’s memory to find enhancements, making these classics run and look better on modern PCs.
However, my nostalgic favorites were mostly third-party games (with the notable exception of Rareware titles). Unfortunately, these games rarely received the same support or enhancement hacks from the community.
This led me to take matters into my own hands to find the magic addresses that control the Field of View (FOV) and create a widescreen (16:9) experience.
I developed a systematic approach for these memory searches, moving beyond manually tweaking values in the hope of seeing a change. While I’m not a math expert and have a dislike for numbers, my passion for memory editing drove me to dive deeper and figure out the necessary steps to hunt down these magic values.
Knowing about resolutions and screen ratios, I started by Googling the hexadecimal equivalent of a 4:3 ratio. A valuable resource was WSGF, which has a dedicated page for hex values of resolutions and screen ratios.
Armed with a list of common values, I applied this logic to scan the game for the 4:3 screen ratio. Using an IEEE 754 standard calculator, I converted these values into hexadecimal format, compatible with the Project64 Debugger Memory Scanner:
0x3F800000 for 4:3
0x3FAAAAAB for 16:9
With these crucial values identified, the next step was to search for the right address that controlled the 3D space. Depending on the game, this search could yield anywhere from fewer than 100 to over 1,000 addresses with the same value. It required patience, flicking between save states, and time. Starting with a float value of 70 for the FOV, I gradually pinpointed the 3D space adjustments needed to create a 16:9 output and generate a GameShark code.
Throughout this process, I learned that these golden addresses are key to successfully adjusting the 3D space in Nintendo 64 titles for a widescreen experience.
With the current learning curve, I’ve now created an emulation category in the Mods/Hacks menu.
You’ll find an Enhancements/Widescreen section that has raw ‘.CHT’ format codes that either have 16:9, 21:9 or other enhancements. Expect this section will grow when I make further discoveries.
Keep in mind, I’m still rather amateurish at this and therefore some of the Widescreen codes might be buggy.