The Easter long weekend is here! This means, for me time to experiment on some quick impromptu projects.
TD5 is a game that hasn’t aged well at all, mostly because it looks horrible back when it released – however it’s still fun to mess around with from time-to-time. It’s also one of those games that was always hiding in a corner at random PC stores when I was younger.
I decided to create a trainer, one that actively is stand alone. No memory tables, a simple ‘click a button to do XYZ’.
I managed to create a simple +3 trainer for Test Drive 5. Of course, me being me I couldn’t make an ugly app. I decided to create visual resources and sounds for it.
Since it was a quick little mini project for 8 hours of effort, I’m pleased with the result.
Anyhow, if you’re interested in trying out my very first, ever Trainer. You can grab it over here.
Short little notice here: I know many of you are wondering about the FlatOut Ultimate Carnage Extended progress. Since the sneak peek, I haven’t worked on it since. Life has gotten in the way – I do plan to take some leave from work later on in the year and hopefully I can make some more progress on it.